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Failures, Hurdles & Opportunities

Google Reddit AMA (2017)

The Google Brain team recently did a Reddit AMA, and I thought some comments were particularly interesting / crunchy.

Google AMA : Failures, Hurdles & Opportunities

Failures in DL :

(Question asked by dexter89_kp)

  • Everyone talks about successes in the field of ML/AI/DL.
  • Could you talk about some of the failures, or pain points you have encountered in trying to solve problems (research or real-world) using DL?
  • Bonus if they are in the large scale supervised learning space, where existing DL methods are expected to work.

Answer by Google Brain's vincentvanhoucke :

A few of us tried to train a neural caption generator on New Yorker cartoons in collaboration with Bob Mankoff, the cartoon editor of the New Yorker (who I just saw has a NIPS paper this year).

It didn’t work well. It wasn’t even accidentally funny.

We didn’t have much data by DL standards, though we could pre-train the visual representation on other types of cartoons. I still hope to win the contest one day, but it may have to be the old-fashioned way.

Answer by Google Brain's gcorrado :

I’m always nervous about definitively claiming that DL “doesn’t work” for such-and-such. For example, we tried pretty hard to make DL work for machine translation in 2012 and couldn’t get a good lift... fast forward four years and it’s a big win. We try something one way, and if it doesn’t work we step back, take a breath, and maybe try again with another angle.

You’re right that shoehorning the problem into a large scale supervised learning problem is half the magic. From there its data science, model architecture, and a touch of good luck. But some problems can’t really ever be captured as supervised learning over an available data set -- in which case, DL probably isn’t the right hammer.

Biggest hurdles :

(Question asked by bmacswag)

  • What are the next biggest hurdles you think face the field?

Answer by Google Brain's vincentvanhoucke :

Making deep networks amenable to (stable!) online updates from weakly supervised data is still a huge problem. Solving it would enable true lifelong learning and open up many applications.

Another huge hurdle is that many of the most exciting developments in the field, like GANs or Deep RL, have yet to have their 'batch normalization' moment: the moment when suddenly everything 'wants to train' by default as opposed to having to fight the model one hyperparameter at a time.

They still lack the maturity that turns them from an interesting research direction into a technology that we can rely on; right now we can’t train these models predictably without a ton of precise tuning, and it makes it difficult to incorporate them into more elaborate systems.

NonStandard ideas :

(Question asked by Dizastr)

  • Are there any non-standard (or not popular) approaches to A.I / Machine Learning that you are researching or believe are worth exploring further?

Answer by Google Brain's vincentvanhoucke :

Feedback! It's insane to me that we've gotten this far with pure feedforward approaches. Dynamical systems are very efficient, adaptive learning machines.

Do you have specific examples of what you mean? RNNs are pretty popular, as is reinforcement learning, but I get the impression you aren't talking about those?

RNNs are not 'loopy', they still propagate information only in one direction: if there is any feedback, it comes from outside the learner. Contrast, e.g. with Markov nets, where information is propagated in both directions within the model.


  • The feedback idea is interesting - and potentially links up with Geoff Hinton's recent comment about Backpropagation needing a bit of a rethink.

  • 'Batch normalization moment' is a good way to describe it. When papers outline their hyperparameter search, it probably means that it didn't work first time - which makes me question the whole robustness of the technique.